Saturday, December 5, 2009

Artist Philosophy

Karyl Shields

To pursue Beauty
    First we recognize that the object is one integral thing, then we recognize that it is an organized composite structure ( composed of many individual elements), finally, when the relationship of the parts is well searched out, when the parts are acknowledged to the ‘special’ point, we recognize it for what it is and may label it. Its soul, leaps out at us from this observation of its individual elements that make its whole. The soul of each object, event, or scene projects its essential nature or meaning through expression of these elemental parts and its total composition. Therefore Beauty appears in its simplest undiluted form of what an object is....its essence.
    People recognize these elements according to their points of reference. A spiritual person looks for the divine, a scientist will look for patterns, etc. Therefore, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....
    Beauty’s effect is one of pleasure (fleeting) and love. Love is the active effect of Beauty which is the will to repeat or increase one’s pleasure by participating in Beauty as fully as possible. Those (artists) that are most capable of recognizing Beauty are those most likely to want to pursue it through their love. More artists, perhaps by social reward, are drawn into challenging careers by the innocent, undiluted pleasure that attends seeing and discovery Beauty in objects, events, and projects; by searching and finding the essence - the perfection of parts within the whole. Consider that non-visual things can be beautiful such as Justice because it represents a proper proportion between what people desire and what they get.
    This philosophical quest for Beauty follows a series of rising stages in which the desire to participate in and enjoy Beauty grows more and more spiritual, until it is focused on pure being and has little to do with physical beauty anymore (Plato’s Symposium). As an intellectual desire, Beauty combines reason and emotion in its search for proper form. Creativity then, is purposefully and thoughtfully (with reason) participating in Beauty.
    To sharpen one’s sense of Beauty (and Creativity) one should have unbiased alertness to outer experiences, readiness to review and alter prior assumptions, openness to inner promptings, along with never-ending study and practice.
    It requires conscious effort to produce artwork that is beautiful (as defined by ‘its essential nature or meaning through expression of elemental parts and total composition’). Precise expression of any sort requires diligence. It requires the use of proper proportions between: reality (and its elements), tools, techniques and voice. An artist must choose the correct materials and techniques and develop a design that will bring reason and emotion together. They must also choose ‘subjects’ that can be rendered within a current style. Artists need to have an idea of what the essential nature of their finished work is to be, then consider the methods and materials and design (style) to accomplish this rather than forcing a subject into a style that does not express its essence (Beauty). To convey Beauty to an audience, artists must choose a theme which is reasonably understandable within its current context that will elevate the human experience.
    In conclusion, by creating Beauty, we express what is important in our lives as affirm our living. We affirm the essential nature and the way we believe things should be.

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